Title: 1984
Author: George Orwell
Genre: Dystopian Fiction (Classic)
Category: Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge
Summary: 1984 is a dark dystopian novel. It follows Winston as he lives his life in a world overtaken by Big Brother. Big Brother rules Oceania as a totalitarian government. Living a life under constant supervision and very strict laws Winston tries to fight against the government and join a secret revolution. In a surprising twist, Winston finds himself in a dangerous situation and realizes everything he thought he knew was wrong.
Thoughts: Although I understand why this book is considered a classic I don't think it should ever be encouraged to be read by high schoolers. It is dark and because of the awful way the world is run in this novel humanity is removed from the people and horrible and harmful thoughts are normalized. This book shows the dangers of this type of leadership but I feel these things shouldn't be talked about in high school. The idea that a controlling government with no privacy is dangerous can be taught in a better way. Many parts of it were honestly just disturbing.
Rating: 3/5 Stars
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